Hamilton County Partnership Books Help Reference
1794 to 1846
Partnerships were recorded in Deed Books A to W2 (1794-1823) and Deed Books #21 to #130 (1794-1846). Those deed books are indexed in the Deed Book Indexes #1 to #4. Partnerships can be found in Sundries Index #1. A typed copy of Sundries Index #1 is available online at the Hamilton County Genealogical Society website Recorder’s Office page.
These books are available on microfilm at the following locations:
- Recorder’s Office, 138 East Court St., downtown Cincinnati
- Cincinnati History Library and Archives, Cincinnati Museum Center, 1301 Western Ave.
1846 to 1915
Partnerships were recorded in Partnership Book #1 and indexed in Partnership Index Book #1. See also Sundries Indexes #1, #2 and #3. Partnership Index #1 is available online at the Hamilton County Genealogical Society website Recorder’s Office page.
These books and index are also available on microfilm at the following locations:
- Recorder’s Office, see above
- Cincinnati History Library and Archives, see above
Only the index is available online at the Hamilton County Genealogical Society website Recorder’s Office page.
The books and index are available online via our Family Search web page.
1915 to 1988
Partnerships were recorded in various books in this period. They are all available at the Recorder’s Office on microfilm. For more information contact the Recorder’s Office.