Searching by Receipt/Invoice Number


This screen allows you to search for unregistered land documents by a receipt number or invoice number.


If you know the receipt number of the document(s) you want to review, enter the receipt number into the text box, then click the Search button. If you are using this search with an invoice number from the Hamilton County Auditor's Office, understand when refunding overpayments made to our office, the Auditor uses our receipt number as their invoice number. Enter the Auditor's invoice number as the receipt number in your search, then click the Search button. If you do not know the receipt number, choose one of the other search options in the page header, such as individual names or corporations.


If there are multiple documents matching the receipt number you entered, you will see the Select Document screen. If a single document is found matching the receipt number you entered, you will go directly to the Document Detail for that document. If the receipt was charged Additional Recording Fee(s) due to one or more of the documents failing to conform to the Document Standardization Guidelines, the charge will not be listed in the results of this search screen.


NOTE: If you enter a receipt number that has been assigned to a registered land document on this page, your search will not return any results. You must use one of the registered land search options to find registered land documents.