This screen allows you to search for documents by a plat book and page number.
If you know the plat book and page number of the document you want to review, enter the plat book number into the first text box and the plat page number into the second text box, then click the Search button or press the Enter key. If you do not know the plat book and plat page number, choose one of the other search options in the page header, such as individual names or corporations.
If you would like to see all pages in a particular plat book, leave the plat page field empty. Plat book numbers < 377 will display only links to the scanned plat image, while plat book numbers >= 377 will display other data stored in Hamilton County's database related to the plat image.
For plat book numbers >= 377, if there are multiple documents matching the plat book and page numbers you entered or you left the plat page number search field empty, you will see the Select Document screen. If a single document is found matching the plat book and page numbers you entered, you will go directly to the Document Detail for that document.