Searching for Documents by Corporation
This screen allows you to search for documents by the name of a corporate conveyor (seller/borrower) or conveyee (buyer/lender).
- A Conveyor (Seller/Borrower) is the corporation from which the title of the property was transferred-typically the seller of the property. Other terms for the conveyor include grantor, mortgagor, vendor, or lessor.
- A Conveyee (Buyer/Lender) is the corporation to which the title of the property was transferred-typically the buyer of the property. Other terms for the conveyee include grantee, mortgagee, vendee, or lessee.
To search for documents, enter search criteria into the following fields:
- Search
For (required): Select whether the corporation for which you want to
search is a conveyor or conveyee in the transaction by
clicking on the appropriate option.
- Corporation
(required): Enter one or more letters of the corporation name. The search will return all corporations
that begin with the letters you enter. For example, if you enter "Pro", the search results will
include "Pro Computers", "Professional Accountants
Inc.", "Procter & Gamble", etc.
- Document
Type: Enter up to four document type codes for which to search. Document type indicates the nature of
the document filed with the Recorder, such as a deed, mortgage, or
affidavit, and each document type has an associated code of up to four
letters. If you know the code(s)
for the document type(s) you want to find, enter them directly. If you do not know the codes, click the
Document Type link to view and select from a list of valid document types.
- Begin
Date: Enter the month, day, and year (respectively) of the earliest
date for which you want to retrieve documents. The search will return all corporations associated with
documents dated on or after this date. Note that only documents dated 1988 and later are available
online-for earlier documents, you need to visit the Recorder's Office.
- End
Date: Enter the month, day, and year (respectively) of the latest date
for which you want to retrieve documents. The search will return all corporations associated with documents
dated on or before this date. Note
that only documents dated 1988 and later are available online-for earlier
documents, you need to visit the Recorder's Office.
Once you have entered your search criteria, click Search
to find matching documents or Clear to clear all the fields so you can
enter new search criteria.
If there are multiple corporations matching the name you
entered, you will see the Select Party screen
displaying a list of matching corporations. If a single corporation with multiple documents is found matching the
name you entered, you will see the Select Document
Screen displaying a list of documents for the corporation. If a single corporation is found matching
the name you entered, and there is only one document recorded for that
corporation, you will go directly to the Document
Detail for that document.
NOTE: If you
enter a corporation for which only registered land has been recorded, your
search will not return any results. You
must use one of the registered land search options
to find registered land documents.