Searching by Official Record Book and Page Number


This screen allows you to search for documents by Official Record book and page number.


If you know the book and page number of the document you want to review, enter the book number into the first text box and the page number into the second text box, then click the Search button. If you only enter the book number, all documents recorded in that book will be listed in the results. If you do not know the book and page number, choose one of the other search options from the navigationo or the main search page, such as individual names or corporations.


If there are multiple documents matching the document number you entered, you will see the Select Document screen. If a single document is found matching the document number you entered, you will go directly to the Document Detail for that document.


NOTE: If you enter a book and page number that has been assigned to a registered land document on this page, your search will not return any results. You must use one of the registered land search options to find registered land documents.

Our computer database has recorded documents starting at 5/31/1988 through the present day. For images of documents recorded prior to 5/31/1988, click on the menu option "Document Images". Then, click the menu option for the type of document you seek. For documents not available online, you need to visit the Recorder's Office.