Registered Land Document(s)
This page displays a list of all documents related to a registered land certificate. The list of documents is sorted by date filed, starting with the
most recent document. The list contains
the following columns:
- Select:
check box for selecting the document (This option is available only for
documents dated 8/1998 or later. Electronic records are not available prior to that date.)
- Document
Number: references the document
number of the document
- Receipt
Number: references the number of the receipt created by the
Recorder's Office cashiers when the document was processed and the
transaction fee was paid
- Document
Type: type of document, such as a deed or mortgage
- Book/Page:
references the book and
page number of the document
- Prior
Cert #: the certificate number of the prior certificate for
the same parcel of registered land. When ownership of a parcel of registered land changes, the prior
certificate number is cancelled and transferred to a new certificate
- Date
and Time Recorded: date the document was officially recorded
- Status:
indicates if the document has a recording error or if
it is a corresponding correction (if blank it is neither)
For documents dated 8/1998 or later (shown in black under
the heading "Select Document"): To display the Document Detail
for a particular document, click on the document number. If you want to view the Document Detail for
more than one document at a time, click the check box next to each document you
want to view and click the Search button.
For documents dated before 8/1998 (shown in blue under the
heading "Historical Documents"), only the information that is shown
on this screen is available electronically. You must visit the Recorder's Office if you need additional details.
To revise your selections, click Clear to uncheck
all selected documents, then re-select documents as desired and click Search.