This screen allows you to search for documents by military survey, providing you a geographic index of documents in Anderson Township that are not part of a subdivision.
To search for documents, select a military survey from the dropdown list. Optionally, you may also narrow your search to conveyances or encumbrances by selecting the appropriate option, or limit the documents to a certain party name or date range, or document type(s) if desired.
- Military Survey (required): Select a military survey from the dropdown list.
- Description: Select a description group from the dropdown list to narrow your search. If a description is not available the "-- Select --" indicator will disappear. The mouse pointer when hovering over the selection box will appear as a red circle with a line through it. The Description box will not allow you to click there.
- Area: Select an area from the dropdown list to narrow your search.
- Document Grouping: You may also narrow your search to conveyances or encumbrances by selecting the appropriate option.
- Party Name: Enter two or more letters of the party's name. The search will return documents in the selected military survey area with party names which begin with the letters you enter. For example, if you enter "Meyer", the search results will include individuals with the last name "Meyer" as well as "Meyers", "Meyerson", et cetera. Press the tab key to move to the next field.
- Date Recorded: In the Start Date (left) box, enter the month, day, and year (in the format mm/dd/yyyy) of the earliest date for which you want to retrieve documents. Or click the calendar icon to select the date using the date picker. If you leave the End Date (right) box blank, the search will return all individuals associated with documents dated on or after the Start Date. Otherwise, enter an End Date the latest date for which you want to retrieve documents. The search will return documents dated on or before this date.
- Document Type: If desired, enter one or more document type codes for which to search. Document type indicates the nature of the document filed with the Recorder, such as a deed, mortgage, affidavit, et cetera. Each document type has an associated code of up to four letters. If you know the code(s) for the document type(s) you want to find, enter them directly. Otherwise, for example, if you do not know the code for Mortgage, type an "M". Any document type code which includes an "M" will appear in a dropdown list. You will be able to see Mortgage is on the list. Type the "MT" code. Or use the down arrow to navigate down the list to highlight "MT: MORTGAGE", and press the [Enter] key. Or click MORTGAGE on the list. Type a comma to enter another document type code or press the tab key to move to the next field. To clear a document type, click the "x" in the right side of the entry box containing the type you wish to remove.
Once you have entered your search criteria, click Search button to see the Geographic Index screen listing all documents matching your search criteria. Click the Clear button to clear ALL the fields so you can enter new search criteria.